This website was made possible due to the efforts of many people. Below is a list of people who helped in making this website:

SiedlerMasterPrevious author who has now quit.
(aka SomeoneYouKnow)
Main Author as well as Website Manager.
XylarBladeWebsite Designer.
Orinne Maker of the Squad Coin & XP Cost Calculator, Formula editor of Squad Stat Calculator
(aka Shiep)
Maker of the Squad Stat Calculator.
(aka OfficialNovaGaming)
Author of the Unit Effects page.
BFGamezWorking on the Squad Summary page.
StrangeTalentDiscord manager.
(aka blake_k47)
Discord helper and game tips provider.

Now below is the list of names of players who helped with providing information for the tier list:

  • Inazo
  • Zman
  • Smallfists
    (Small Pennies)
  • Bonk
  • Levi
  • TheSamus
  • Dovahkiin
  • Roxxia
  • SirHerpDerp
  • Ziomski
  • Sagekur
  • Anominity
  • x Ryuga x
  • MonkeyJunk
  • Kochiki
  • Ziran
  • Chon
  • Mansh
  • Awful
  • Double A
  • Esam
  • LibertyWasAFK
  • TyDye